The Essex Scrubber
Christine Beedle’s first book, “The Essex Scrubber – Keeping it Clean”, is loosely based on her real life experiences and is filled with fun, drama, passion and fascinating characters.
The Essex Scrubber is the nickname Christine acquired for reasons that will become obvious as you read what is more a novel than an autobiography.
The story is not just about Christine’s journey from cleaner to businesswoman. It is also about those invisible “angels” who clean our offices after we have gone home but who sadly get called a multitude of less complimentary names, sometimes deservedly! Christine sets out to prove just what they can achieve if given the chance.
It is hoped that the lessons to be learnt from Christine’s experiences will be as pertinent today as they were in the 1980s and that they will make readers remember that to put a man on the moon, even with all that sophisticated technology, there still has to be a cleaner somewhere in the background playing his or her vital part.
The book is now available to buy - just click here.
If you already have a copy or buy one in the future we would love you to let us know what you think - please use the contact form on the Home page.
The first copies went on sale at Christine's 70th Birthday in mid-July with 50% of proceeds going to Rotary Charities from the first 1000 books sold.
Christine Beedle's first book 'The Essex Scrubber - Keeping It Clean' is loosely based on her real life experiences and is filled with fun, drama, passion and fascinating characters. Book 2 - subtitled Down on her knees - is also now available and takes the story forward.
Book 1 - Keeping it clean - is now available to buy
- just click here.
Book 2 - Down on her knees - is also now available here.
Special offer for both books is available here.
The Essex Scrubber is the nickname she acquired for reasons that will become obvious as you read what is more a novel than a normal autobiography.
The story is not just about Christine's journey from cleaner to businesswoman. It is also about those invisible 'angels' who clean our offices after we have gone home but who sadly get called a multitude of uncomplimentary names behind their backs, sometimes deservedly but usually not!
Christine sets out to prove just what they can achieve if given the chance.
Reaction to Book 1 has been overwhelmingly positive with a larger than expected audience of male readers expressing their enjoyment of the story. Book 2 is also being enthusiastically received.
The first book went on sale at Christine's 70th Birthday Party in July 2014 and 50% of proceeds from the sale of the first books sold have been donated to charity through The Rotary Club of Colchester Centurion, of which Christine is a founder President, raising over £5,000 so far. Book 2 was published in September 2016 and Book 3 will follow hopefully in the future, although no forecast can be made. Life gets in the way of the best laid plans and although Christine is keen to finish the trilogy, however, personal loss and health issues have caused, and continue to cause, unpredictable delays.
If you would like to send in a comment, ask a question or give a review of Book 1 or Book 2 please send an email to: